Ular Cobra Raksaksa Ditemui Dilaut Merah

Unknown | 08:45 | 0 comments

Ular Cobra ini jumpai di Laut Merah dan mengorbankan 320 pelancong serta 125 penyelam Mesir, berjaya dibunuh oleh pasukan saintis elit dan penyelam berkelayakan di Mesir.

Fakta lain mengenai ular ini tidak dikenal pasti . Ular ini berjaya dibunuh dan dibawa kesebuah muzium rahsia di mesir. Bangkai ular tersebut tidak dipertontonkan di khayalak ramai untuk mengelak ketakutan masyarakat serta pelancong di sekitar kawasan tersebut. - Sumber

Gambar ini telah tersebar luas dan ramai yang mempercayainya dan tidak kurang juga yang tidak percaya. Berikut adalah ulasan dari sebuah website penganalisis sama ada gambar ini berfakta atau sebaliknya.


The message comes with pictures showing a giant snake that is believed to have been found in the Red Sea. The story claims that this amazing and giant snake in Red sea killed 320 tourists and 125 Egyptian divers, and it is killed in Egypt by a professional team of elite Egyptian scientists and qualified divers. Other versions of this story mention the names of expert people involved in the killing, and also mention that the giant snake has been transferred to the Egypt morgue at Sharm El Sheikh international animal. 

The fact is that if any such incident actually happened involving killing of so many people, it would have easily made into news all over the world, but there is no such incident reported. Therefore, the story that comes with the pictures is a hoax. 

If you watch the picture closely, the soldier standing on the truck in one of the pictures is not real, but simply a toy standing on a truck, which is again not real. The truck has a plastic look, unlike the real metallic one. The snake found on top of the toy truck could either be a real, but normal one placed on toy truck and is made to look gigantic using close range tricky photography, or is simply the result of photoshopping of an unreal rubber snake picture. 

Therefore, the so called amazing giant snake found in red sea is not real, but a hoax, which is generated mostly with an intent of attention. Few months back, there was a similar story about giant tortoise doing rounds online.
Bukan semua yang pelik itu tidak benar tapi gambar ini jika diteliti, sangat ketara objek yang seolah-olah seperti orang itu adalah patung mainan. Gambar ini dikatakan telah berjaya memperdaya ramai orang khususnya yang aktif di internet.

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